ECMS is thrilled to welcome the first families to its state-of-the-art Altona Early Years Hub, which opened on Wednesday 9 January 2019. 

The integrated hub will provide Hobsons Bay families with a high-quality early years facility located alongside Altona College P-9 School. It will offer 175 early childhood education and care places, maternal and child health services, health consulting rooms and multi-purpose community spaces. 

The $7.7 million hub was funded by Hobsons Bay City Council and The Andrews Labor Government, with design by Brand Architects and construction by melbcon. Its innovative design features multi-use, flexible spaces that facilitate integrated service delivery model for families and promote community engagement and participation. 

Former Minister for Early Childhood Education Jenny Mikakos says “First-rate facilities – like the Altona Early Years Hub – mean a better start in life for Victorian kids and ensure they’re ready for kinder, ready for school and ready for life. 

“We want new and improved kinders so our kids can enjoy the benefits that quality early years education and care provides.” 

ECMS was chosen by Hobsons Bay City Council to manage the hub as part of a tendering process in 2018. 

“ECMS is delighted to be expanding our partnership with Hobson’s Bay Council on this exciting integrated early childhood education hub for the children, families and the wider community,” says ECMS CEO Kim Bertino. 

“The Altona Early Years Hub is a wonderful partnership between ECMS and Hobson’s Bay Council, designed to provide high-quality early childhood education and care for young children. We’re thrilled to be the lead provider of this new and exciting integrated child and family services hub.” 

Learn more about Altona Early Years Hub, including how to enrol in kindergarten and childcare.